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Ready to join the CYMA?


If you are interested in affiliating your existing high school level club or organization with the CYMA, or want to start a brand new group as a local CYMA chapter, you’re in the right place!


What does it mean to be a CYMA Chapter/Member Club?

CYMA Chapters/Member Clubs will become a part of a local community of art/mural clubs and will be able to participate in the planning and execution of any mural project commissioned to the CYMA.

What does a Chapter/Member Club do?

Chapters/Member Clubs are expected to independently or collaboratively plan and carry out in their localities as the CYMA finds such opportunities. They are also expected to provide encourage volunteers from their clubs to assist with CYMA projects when applicable. Each Chapter/Member Club is allowed to have two representatives in the CYMA who are responsible for relaying news about projects and volunteer opportunities.

What if I have no experience with painting murals?

Don’t worry! Every current member of the CYMA was once an inexperienced group of high schoolers. Experienced CYMA members will guide you through your first project, allowing you to eventually run an independent group of students who can carry out mural projects.

What if I am not affiliated with a club or organization, or just want to help make murals with my friends?

Groups of individuals are allowed to join the CYMA as unaffiliated members; all you need is a group name, two representatives, and the work ethic to carry out projects!

Why should my club/group join the CYMA?

The CYMA provides a platform for clubs and groups to collaborate with each other, building a community of artists and volunteers throughout the Bay Area. Additionally, opportunities presented to the CYMA will be shared with all CYMA members to participate in, expanding the reach of your club/group and strengthening its reputation through association.

Want to Become a CYMA Board Member?

CYMA Board Members are unaffiliated with particular groups or clubs and are typically high school juniors, seniors, or college students. CYMA Board Members oversee the organization’s finances, actively find new opportunities for member clubs to pursue, organize community events, and oversee the addition of new clubs/groups. Board Positions are currently full and will reopen in March of 2025. 


To join the CYMA or for questions, please use the contact section at the bottom of this page.

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